Thursday, May 5, 2011

Storyboard with explanation

Hi All
I have added the storyboard and related text to this blog so that you can please give me input/feedback. The LiveBinder is great, but does not always work as well as we would like when using an iPad, so for this planning phase I decided to add it in this way to the blog. You can leave feedback etc as a comment, that way it is easy to follow and know who said what etc.

Can someone also please confirm that I have understood the assignment correctly. One of the aspects of the assignment is to come up with a storyboard with the related text explaining why it was design in a particular way (what choices were made to include various aspects to the site). I think I have achieved that, but am very open to feedback from you guys, after all we are aiming for top marks (lol). There is also an aspect which requires us to link the literature/research back to the choices made in the storyboard design; this is the area Nicoleta is working on.

Cheers H

Slide 1

This is the 1st screen participants will see. On the top right they will find the registration button (sign up or sign in). They can also see via the map where other participants come from, it allows them to realise how far and wide the community really is.
Along the top of the screen are 5 hyperlinked buttons. All screens have these buttons in the same position. This allows participants to easily navigate between screens and not have to stress about how to ‘get in’ or ‘get out’ of a screen.
As the site has been created for teacher learning, it was decided to use the theme of a school i.e.
Home = Reception reception = home??
Show ‘n Tell = This is an area teachers can ‘show off’ their students work/examples etc.
Teacher’s Lounge = This is a discussion area, with a range of topics teachers can discuss.
Roll Call = This is the members area, teachers can see details of other participants .
Assembly = This is where participants can find out about guest Webinars & conference details.
Canteen = This is the ‘social’ area where teachers can flag projects they are doing , advertise class projects they are planning and seek other’s to collaborate with them and their classes.
On the top left of the screen, they can click the ‘yellow sticky note’ which will take them to more information about what it means to be part of an e-community, including the benefits of being a member of an e-community. This is particularly important as there is a good chance participants have either never been part of an e-community, thought about what it means to be part of an e-community or understood how to develop and maintain an e-community.
The Web 2.0 modules are listed in icon format rather than URL format as this looks more enticing than a URL, it also allows participants to start to recognise the icons and in doing so, subconsciously begin to feel ‘connected’ to the various sites.

Slide 2

This is the Show ‘n Tell area of the site. Teachers are able to upload their student’s work to share what they have done, or ideas that have worked for them.
They can also discuss, or add a podcast of a tool they have discovered which they have found useful. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, knowledge, questions and answers.
Could we add another little feature that we can have like a students of the month award where we showcase a couple of people's work??

Slide 3

This is the Teacher’s Lounge. This is where teachers can find links to other participants blogs. Participants are encouraged to visit each other’s blogs so that they can learn from each other and with each other.
They can post ideas or ask questions of others as to how to use a particular Web 2.0 tool in the classroom.
They can also post discussions regarding various pedagogical aspects to teaching and learning.
Maybe we should also add a chat option here as an attempt to build community among members? This could also be useful for teachers who from the same school too. We can advise in the sign-up to our community, that the ICT integrator's presence is also required occasionally. What do you think??

Slide 4

This is the Roll call area of the site. This is where participants can find out a bit more about other participants, who they are, where they come from, what their interests are etc.
It is important we have this aspect to the site, as it will allow participants to begin to feel they ‘know’ each other a little more. It will also allow them to find like minded participants who are in their geographical area, or overseas. This has many advantages including being able to support each other’s learning i.e. expand their personal learning networks (PLN).
In Classroom 2.0 there was also an option to 'add colleague' which puts the participants on a short list and you get feeds on their updates etc. Would that also be useful here in fostering the community element?

Slide 5

This is an example of one of the modules they will be learning. On the left, they can see what they should be able to achieve once they have been through the module. There is a discussion forum available to them for this specific module which is different to the various other discussion areas found on the site. This will ensure they can have topic related discussions without them being lost in the other discussions that take place on the site.
In order to provide for different learning styles, participants are able to either download the module in hardcopy, or watch a video of the various steps. Some participants may choose to use both the hardcopy notes while watching the video. Participants can choose the learning method that suits them.

Slide 6

The Assembly area of the site documents information relating to Webinars and or conference that will be held. Conferences can take place online as well as f2f. The f2f conference would be an annual event called Me 2 Conference. This name was chosen to try and reflect on the inclusive nature of learning/networking that takes place.

Slide 7

The Canteen is the social area of the site. This is where participants can find or start different interest groups other than Web 2.0 related.
Participants can find a list of the schools using the site.
Participants can create ‘adverts’ so that collaborative inter school projects can be worked on, thus expanding students learning networks.

Heather you are amazing! love your work!


  1. OMG Heather you are a superstar!! Thank you for this - it will be a massive help for Christopher and Nicolete in preparing for our presentation!! Thank you!!

    I'll go in to your post and put in a few minor suggestions - but you have summarised perfectly what we discussed. THANK YOU!!!

  2. Are we all still going to do a skype this week??

  3. Yup yup, This is great. A lot to work with! thanks heather! Should I make a new post? Or add theory justification to this post?

  4. Can you add them to the dedicated page (see right hand pages menu), that way it will be easier to link your page in the blog to the LiveBinder we will be submitting. Let me know if you experience any problems, but either way we will catch up on Wed :-) Cheers H

  5. Hi Christine
    Thanks for your input, all valid - I will adjust once I have heard back from others. Cheers H

  6. Thanks Heather.

    I just realised that we need to have a reference list. I've added the Gilly Salmon reference. Nic - can you cite your sources add the sites you use to the reference section of our live binder?

  7. Hi Nic,

    can you also add the sources you use in the reference area of live binder? or email me and I'll add them.

    thank you!
    See you Sat.


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