Saturday, May 14, 2011

Almost there - bringing our project togther

Hi guys,

thanks for today. I think our combined efforts have produced a great presentation! I'm just confirming here what we agreed to get done by our next catch up on Sunday 22 May, 12pm @ Broadway. If possible, can research be sent to Heather and Christine by Friday?

1. Finalise our sections on LiveBinder
2. Ensure referencing of ALL sources is done according to academic standards.
3. Integrate our research into the elements of our presnetion e.g. key features, storyboard etc.
4. Determine an appropriate way to present the information to Theresa.



  1. Heather - how do you actually add a new page rather than just adding to this stream? Been googling for help and trying for ages to no avail!!

  2. I think you can only have 10 pages max, we might have reached that. Do you want me to kill one off? One of the benefits of a post tho' is that we get an email letting us know there is a new post.

  3. oh right that makes sense. No don't worry about it. Thank you.


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